How we work2024-10-18T14:24:14+02:00

How we work



How we work

For landlords of antenna sites, it is not easy to determine whether the points stated in the contract and the agreed site rental income are in line with market standards. Our employees used to negotiate contracts with landowners for grid operators themselves. As a result, they know the industry and can now use their expertise on the landowner side to optimize contracts and increase rental income. This is how we do it:

How to get started today

Vorblick Consulting has assisted many antenna site owners in analysing their sites and the subsequent contract negotiations with network operators. From rooftop sites on single-family homes, residential complexes, public buildings or industrial plants to mast sites in the countryside. We always start with a personal discussion. Use our contact form, send us an e-mail or call us directly – we look forward to your enquiry.

  • +49 (0)351 25998842

The Vorblick

zero-risk guarantee

Because we are confident with our service and the benefit to our clients we work on a success-oriented basis. Our offer is therefore completely risk-free for you.

Five good reasons to work with Vorblick:

Location analysis

Contract optimisation

Contract negotiations

Optics and security

Our services for fair conditions

The rapid development of the mobile communications industry, groundbreaking innovations and strong competition are leading to enormous price pressure in the sector. Network operators try to pass on some of this pressure to site owners by offering the lowest possible rents for antenna sites. Consultants from Vorblick have been involved in negotiating leases for the network operators and therefore know the industry, and common practices. We know the importance of antenna sites, and  with the correct conditions and satisfied site owners, a successful network expansion in Ireland and Europe wide is possible. 

Location analysis

Vorblick Consulting analyses your antenna location free of charge. This will tell you whether your rental agreement with the network operator can be optimised and whether higher rental income can be achieved.

  • We determine the market rental price of your antenna location.

  • We assess whether the agreed rental price is appropriate for the contractually agreed use.

  • We check if the threat of early termination of your contract by the network operator can be averted. 

Contract optimisation

We are familiar with the approache of the network operators and know where to look for opportunities for optimisation.

  • Analysis of the draft or completed lease contract. 

  • Analysis of the optimisation potential, especially with regard to the amount of your rental income.

  • Checking the technology specified in the contract with that which is actually in place: In some cases the achievable rental income may be much higher than originally agreed.

Contract negotiation

In the past our team negotiated on behalf of the network operators. Now we use our knowledge in the interest of the site owners.

  • If you wish, we can take over the complete contract negotiations with the network operator or act as an advisory partner. 

  • We collect all relevant information and communicate with the network operator for you.

  • We work transparently and professionally.

  • We collaborate with your legal department.

Optics and safety

  • We compare the installed system, technical planning and specifications in your lease agreement with the legal requirements. This ensures compliance with the thresholds for the protection of persons in electromagnetic fields. An existing site certificate is checked to ensure that it is up to date with current safety standards.

  • Comparison of the system installed on site with the technical planning and the information in your contract. We work directly with COMREG (Commission for Communications Regulation).

  • Checking that the site certificate is up-to-date.

  • Advice on the visual compatibility of the mobile radio system with the existing roof landscape. This can also be taken into account for existing installations.

Frequently asked questions

I believe my building would make a good site for an antenna, but I am unsure.2023-08-18T09:46:46+02:00

Locations can only be assessed on an case by case basis. You can get an overview of the technical conditions in the “Conditions” section.

Why am I being called regularly even though my contract still has 4 years to run?2023-08-18T09:47:22+02:00

The mobile network planning department wants to determine whether your location will be available in the longer term. This may be an opportunity to improve the terms of your lease before it expires. We are happy to help you with this!

Cracks have formed in my brickwork/building over the past few months. Can this be due to the antenna system?2023-08-18T09:48:21+02:00

Before an antenna is erected, a structural analysis is prepared. Over time, conditions may change, e.g. due to an extension of the installation. We are happy to support you in solving these issues as part of our consulting contract.

The network operator would like to extend the antenna support to 10 meters. Is this necessary and do I have to agree to it?2023-08-18T09:49:50+02:00

There are always changes in the guidelines on radiation protection. These could also apply in your case, however, this would have to be checked individually.

I’m hearing a lot about 5G and new technologies at the moment. What could this mean for my location?2023-08-18T09:50:12+02:00

 Networks will be upgrading their systems to 5G across Europe over the coming years. This may affect your location. We would be happy to review your contract for likely expansion and future site security.

So far, I always have my contracts reviewed by my solicitor. Why should I use a firm like yours?2023-08-18T09:50:35+02:00

There are two aspects to all contracts both legal and economic. Our expertise is in the economic aspect of contracts, and we are happy to work with your solicitor on all legal aspects.

Why is an acquaintance in the same town being paid a higher rent?2023-08-18T09:51:24+02:00

Several factors can play a role here. Different providers pay different rents. The location may be technically different from your location and therefore of a different value. 

I am told that my location is not as important as it was 15 years ago and therefore the rent must be reduced! Is that true?2023-08-18T09:51:45+02:00

First of all, we believe that all locations remain important as mobile networks are constantly expanding. We will be happy to advise you on your particular location and rental potential in our free location analysis.

I have been approached about renewing the contract, but am being offered a lower rent. Will my contract be terminated if I do not agree to this?2023-08-18T09:52:28+02:00

Often, attempts are made to enforce a reduction in rent over a longer term contract. We can avert termination and will be happy to check the actual value of your contract.

References from recent clients in Germany

German Red Cross - District Association Arnsberg e.V.

Our district association has been renting our roof space as an antenna location, for over 25 years. We received a renewal proposal of the previous lease and an extension of the term. However, this was only possible in conjunction with a significant reduction in rent. After a year and a half of discussions and negotiations by Vorblick, the terms of the lease have been significantly improved in our favour. In addition, the team of Vorblick Consulting managed to obtain a subsidy of 50% towards the cost of an upcoming roof renovation. I can highly recommend this partnership!

Katharina Busch, District Manager, German Red Cross


“Happy ending” We have been renting a roof space for a mobile phone antenna for almost 20 years. We were offered a contract extension with a significant reduction in rent. For this reason, we commissioned Vorblick Consulting to represent our contractual interests. As a result, not only was the rent reduction averted, but they negotiated a considerably improved contract, with a 10-year extension and a rent increase of almost 40%.We would not have managed this without VORBLICK. Many thanks!

Mrs. Spiessberger, homeowner in Ulm

Fam. Flohrer, Farmers from Nürnberg

“To be recommended to every farmer!”
We have two mobile phone companies as tenants on one of our farm buildings. Since we were not very familiar with the contracts, we brought the professionals from Vorblick Consulting on board. Quite straightforward (easy and transparent) In addition to a considerable upfront payment, the current rent was significantly improved. The friendly and competent advice from the company’s staff makes it easy for us to recommend Vorblick Consulting to others.

Fam. Flohrer, farmers from Nuremberg

Herr Hasse, Housing construction Wilkau-Haßlau

“Rent improved by a lot!”

As a housing association, we own some properties, some of which are also available for mobile phone transmitter sites. One of these sites was terminated by the mobile phone provider about 1.5 years ago at the end of the contract. With the support of Vorblick Consulting, we were now able to receive significantly more rent for the remaining term of the contract, despite the termination.

Mr. Hasse, Wohnungsbau Wilkau-Haßlau

Vorblick in the media

The July issue of Top-Agar magazine presents all the relevant information for farmers on everything to do with cell phone antenna rental. Vorblick will be able to support you with its expertise.

Your direct line to us

Would you like to get in touch with us? Then simply use our contact form or send your enquiry directly to We look forward to hearing from you.

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